Monday 13 May 2013


Identity is something every individual is born with, you will find no one of the exact same identity. May it be of race, personality, looks or actions identity is a combined effort of all of those aspects and more and it takes all of those things to build up an individuals identity, identity is what makes you different to any other being on this planet, and it is individual identity that has created the charismatic individuals which have made a significant impact on the world as we know it.  It can be argued that our identity is morphed or influenced on a daily basis by the things that we regularly encounter or experience, for example the things that are more recognizable to us would be logos for corporate companies rather than historically important people or matters of our time and past. This boosts the relevance of design such as graphic designs including logos and advertisements as we are conditioned to associate ourselves with these things, as we see in the world today many follow trends and as it seems want to become like one-another  this is a loss of identity to some extent and it is believed that our identity's are becoming mildly suppressed to a by what we know  and see and thus it takes a certain individual to break the mould and express there real self s or show their ‘ identity's’ to there fullest to achieve great things to hopefully influence others to do so. 

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